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How can I avoid a rash on my ankles (under my socks) that occurs during hiking?

by Gretel
(Boulder, CO)

I wear liner socks and hiking socks. It is a raised rash that is tender and sore and lasts 24 hours after taking off my socks and boots. It is NOT a rash from vegetation. It IS a rash caused by the socks I believe. Any ideas?

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Apr 16, 2022
Hiker's rash
by: Diane

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Aug 21, 2017
Hiking For Her's Ideas...
by: Diane

Gretel: Have you changed your laundry detergent, skin care products or sunscreen recently? Or has the company changed its formulation?
Also, laundry soap that isn't completely rinsed away can cause this type of rash. Maybe add an additional rinse cycle on laundry day?
Another thought: take off your socks half way through your hike and rinse off your skin. Maybe your salty sweat is irritating that area, for some reason. Example: I know that if I "dry" shave my legs, I sometimes get this type of rash under my socks where my sweat builds up. Once I get home and shower, it clears up.

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