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Timberlake or Lugz Boots?

by Bernice
(California )

So I'm starting my journey to OR amazing forest soon and was very much curious in what type of boots to bring in my hiking trip soon like super soon. I heard great reviews in both of these type of boots and I don't know which to choose from so here I am hoping to get somebody to help me decide because I'm bad at picking my boots for sure especially first time actually hiking in a forest and different state that has four season.

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Jul 11, 2022
your call
by: Diane

Choosing boots is not something you can delegate to anyone else.
Here's what I suggest.

Re-read reviews by scanning for a few key words related to your own feet & comfort (narrow/wide, high arch/normal, roomy toe box, etc).

Pay close attention to what those particular reviewers say about comfort, fit and any break in period needed.

If they mention what type of surface the boots were used on, so much the better. You can match it to where you are headed.

Can you buy your selected pair from a store that accepts returns once the boots have been worn? REI does that, for example.

Hope you have an amazing hiking trip!

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