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Welcome And A Few Details

by Diane
(Washington State)

Quiet, but still used, winter trail

Quiet, but still used, winter trail

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And again, I apologize for shutting down our Mighty Network community. Looking forward to hearing from you here!!

Happy New Year :)

Comments for Welcome And A Few Details

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Dec 22, 2022
by: Diane

Those are the huge feet of raccoons. This particular animal stayed in the center of the trail and seemed to understand where it flexed and turned. Pretty entertaining to follow it!

P.S. We got 14 inches of snow overnight and are now in record breaking cold temperatures. I agree, stay safe everyone! I hope my raccoon friend has a warm hollow log to curl up inside.

Dec 22, 2022
What were those tracks?
by: Carol T

Dianne - what animal went before you on the hiking trail picture? Looked like claws, but I could get a feel for how large.

Stay warm during the Bomb Cyclone Hiking Sisters! It was 40F outside this afternoon, but it will be dropping dramatically in the next few days. All the hiking groups are cancelling their hikes due to cold and unusually high winds.

Dec 22, 2022
Thanks, Diane!
by: Catherine P.

I'm so glad we have a place to keep in touch. Sending everyone the best wishes for a happy holidays! Looking forward to hearing about everyone's winter hikes.

Dec 19, 2022

by: Diane

My pleasure. I am so happy to have found a free and fun way to keep us together! Onward into 2023, Trail Sisters!

Dec 19, 2022
Thank you
by: Kathy B

Thanks for keeping the group going, Diane!

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