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What type of crampons or micro spikes should i get.

by Paul

Was hiking a couple weeks ago and my kids and I were slipping all over the trail due to the icy conditions. Was wondering what type of spikes should I get, I have seen a wide variety and not sure what is best for me and my kids. I wont be scaling cliffs or ice climbing but just enjoying trails around the area. I appreciate all the help.

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Jan 24, 2023
by: Kathy B

Also Exospikes for in between microspikes and yaktrax. They are studs, not spikes. An added benefit is they can withstand pavement, should you encounter any. Microspikes are probably better for your situation but in case others are reading I thought I would mention Exospikes.

Would love to see some photos of your adventures!

Jan 23, 2023

by: Diane

Hi Paul. Great question! Nothing is worse than falling down on an icy trail.

I prefer two traction devices, in different situations: Microspikes for icy trails with no rocks, and YakTrax for mixed situations (hard snow, some ice, some rocks).

Hillsound also makes a good hiking crampon/ice cleat.

I explain everything here: https://www.hiking-for-her.com/hiking-traction-devices.html

Glad you are getting out with your kids! Happy Trails.

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