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Camino do Santiago, Spain

by the vans

We did the normal route (route de Napoleon, also called Camino Frances) starting in St Jon Pied de Port in France ~ hiking over the Pyrenees and then across Spain.
The most expensive part was the airfare, as we stayed in hostels asking the way specifically set up for the Camino de Santiago. It ranged from 4 Euro to maybe 15 Euro a night, most being around 8 Euro including breakfast (which in Spain was mostly coffee and bread with marmalade or jam).
We took 2 months, but it can be done usually in 35 days or so.
Was an incredible and safe experience that not many Americans know about but for 2 middle aged women we never felt unsafe, and it was amazing.

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I want to know more?
by: patchapin

Okay, great post except now I have a hundred questions, and your post doesn't answer any of them, to what you liked best and least, how hot/cold did it get, to what would have made you feel 'unsafe' (I have friends who are frightened by a cricket in the kitchen, so it is all relative, no?). more, more!
pat chapin

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