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Best Hiking Hydration Backpacks:
All The Facts For Hikers

By Diane Spicer

Which hiking hydration backpacks are best? Do you need one? Hiking For Her helps you decide. #hydrationbackpack #backpacks #hiking #hikingforher

Hiking hydration backpacks are a choice you can make if you're concerned about staying well hydrated throughout the hiking day but don't want to stop for frequent water breaks.

Keep rolling, and keep hydrating!

How to select one of these backpacks?

The best hydration backpacks for hiking have a few non-negotiable features that you should be aware of if you're in the market for constant access to your water supply.

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Drop down here.

Hiking hydration backpacks

Adequate hiking hydration is no joke, and is so often overlooked that it amazes me.

But you're not going to be the next dehydrated hiker with a huge headache and weak muscles I meet on the trail, right?

The one who asks if I have any water "to spare"?

Right, she said enthusiastically :)

In your quest for adequate hydration,
check this first

The first thing to do is to dig out your current backpack(s) and look for an already-there (or not) feature:

a portal (hole)...

... for a sip tube ...

... that leads to an interior pocket (sleeve)...

...to hold a water reservoir.

Depending on how old your packs are, you might already be set up to purchase only a water reservoir, thus avoiding a new hydration pack purchase altogether.

  • It's tough to find a pack these days that skips these features, making most packs hiking hydration backpacks.
  • In fact, some backpack manufacturers have pre-installed reservoirs designed to fit into the pack like hand in glove.
  • More on that in a moment.

How much water do you need?

Rushing water over gray rocks in a mountain streamYou need to replenish water frequently as you hike. Think of your bloodstream as the river of life.

Next item of business: choosing the size of the water reservoir to carry in your pack.

Tip: If you're just buying the hiking water reservoir, be sure it will fit into your existing pack once it's filled to capacity.

Your decision hinges on what type of hike you're planning.

  • This makes sense, because the harder and further you hike, the more water it's going to take to fuel your cells.
  • And yes, water is a cellular fuel. Read why here.

The cautious approach
to hiking hydration

You can hike with minimal water capacity, in the range of a liter (~30 fluid ounces), but if you practice the "ten essentials of hiking" approach, it's best to bring more than that on any hike.

Take a good look at the 2 liter (64 fluid ounces of watery goodness) reservoirs, again checking to be sure they are compatible with your current or desired backpack.

Also note exactly how heavy 2 liters of water will be in your pack.

In the warmer seasons of the year I always carry 2 liters of water, and rarely end the day with any of it left over.

  • Always err on the side of extra water! Yes, it's heavy. Yes, it will save your life when something goes wrong.

And if you do extreme climate hiking (desert SW of the USA, for example), you're going to need more than 2 liters a day.

Plot your route with surface water options, and be sure to treat the water before drinking.

More features to note
when selecting hiking hydration backpacks...

To return to hiking hydration backpacks features, it's essential that your backpack can support the weight of the reservoir without straining your neck or back.

Choose a backpack that is small enough to be stable on your back, but large enough to carry your water, ten essentials, and other hiking gear.

When at all possible, women should choose backpacks engineered for our curves and contours.

In other words, spend a lot of time looking for the right woman's hydration backpack that:

  • fits your body,
  • carries your load,
  • distributes the weight appropriately to your pelvis and down your legs, and
  • allows easy access to the water reservoir for filling and cleaning tasks.

The discussion of how to choose water reservoirs for hiking hydration backpacks is right here.

Hydration backpacks for you
to consider

Let's focus only on gender specific hiking packs. I'm sure you can guess which gender, based on the website' name ;)

And in keeping with my advice about always having 2 liters of hiking water with you on a hike, we'll zoom in on two brands that have that capacity while also delivering all of the features mentioned above.

Brand names worth considering

CamelBak is one of the go-to names in the hydration pack business.

They make stand alone water reservoirs that may be compatible with your current backpack.

But they also provide a convenient all in one hydration pack: 20 liter pack plus reservoir plus assorted parts.

This backpack's modest price point doesn't give you a rugged backpack for serious hiking trips, but it will keep you well hydrated on day hikes.

  • That's the whole point of this type of pack, no?

Another hiking hydration bacpacks choice

The other company I'd recommend is Osprey. Their backpacks have been hanging in my gear locker long enough for me to state with confidence that Osprey pays attention to female anatomy when designing packs.

Osprey Skimmer 28 Hydration Pack

Here's their 2.5L hydration pack (28L) that delivers lots of pockets, hip belt, adjustment straps plus the reservoir system is in place and ready to go for dayhikers.

Nothing says you have to fill up the water reservoir completely, making this a versatile pack for cooler hiking seasons as well as during the heat of summer.

Be sure to read the reviews offered on these products to get a clear idea of features.

Then decide which pack will serve you best on the trail.

REI has a generous return policy, so if you make a mistake, no worries.

Hiking hydration backpacks
for backpackers

When you hit the trail for days or weeks at a time, clean water becomes a very serious concern.

This is especially true when the temperatures soar and shade is hard to come by on the trail.

But weight is also a serious concern. You need a high volume pack, with room for your hydration system.

Take a look at this one:

Osprey Aura AG LT 50 Pack It has 50L capacity for your gear, and a built in space for a water reservoir (not included). The Osprey line of backpacks for women hikers gives you options for a custom fit.

Not sure how to buy a backpack? Read this first.

You could always go old school!

And don't forget the merits of the old fashioned hydration technique: water bottles.

  • The packs featured above also have room for a few of these, when needed.

More tips on hiking with water bottles, and why staying hydrated is a top priority, can be found here and here.

Happy Hydrating!

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Best Hiking Hydration Backpacks


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